Start Application
Select if you have no employees and have not filed incorporation documentation in your state.
Select if you have already setup a legal S-Corporation entity.
Select if your organization qualifies for the tax exempt status.
Select if your organization is part of an organized religion, and is formally organized as a distinct legal entity.
Select if you have already setup a legal LLC entity.
A trust is a legal entity in which one party holds assets for the benefit of another.
Select if you are organized as a General Partnership such as Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Liability Limited Partnership.
Select if your entity was created as a result of a person’fs death.
Select if you have already setup a legal C-Corporation entity.
Select if you have already setup a personal service corporation entity.
Complete and submit the EIN application
EIN application review and submission to IRS
Receive your EIN in PDF format via email
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